LATE: The Origin Story

When God calls you to do his work he doesn’t ask for your experience or your knowledge. God can do great things through you if you are willing to follow Him. When Jessica heard about the RAP ministry in Peru, she became excited about being part of Reflejo. She started out as a volunteer with only one other person. She began developing RAP Peru and continuously prayed for her team to grow during six months. Through-out this time she saw very little fruit but her faith continued to stay strong and one year later, the RAP Peru team had 30 volunteers. This became the fastest growing RAP team at that moment.


Jessica continued working towards mobilizing Latinos to learn and pray for Pashtuns and after some time she began coaching RAP leaders in other countries as they developed national teams. Having Jessica move into a new leadership role gave emerging leaders growth opportunities in the RAP Peru team. 


As RAP continued to grow Jessica felt ready for a new challenge. A few months later our team leaders came together and prayed for God to show them a new project. That’s when they received the vision to launch another network focused on another people group, Tajiks. 


Today RAP has teams in 17 countries mobilizing latinos in their own context to adopt Pashtuns in prayer. Jessica is currently training a new leader to replace her in coaching our RAP country coordinators and will be transitioning into a different challenge. She´ll take what she has learned working with RAP and create a separate mobilization ministry focused on reaching Tajiks. 


Jessica and our team selected Tajiks after a time of prayer and discernment, and in the process, we´ve learned quite a bit about them. Most Tajiks don’t live within Tajikistan. There are almost 10 million in Afghanistan and more than 1 million in Uzbekistan. 99% of Tajiks are muslim and most have never heard of the Gospel. Our burden is for all unreached groups to hear the Word of God but how will people receive a calling to reach them if they have never heard of these groups? 


Latinos are adopting Tajiks in prayer through the ministry of LATE which is a Spanish acronym for Latinos reaching Tajiks with the Gospel. 


If you would like to learn more about LATE, click here.


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