God Wants Your Obedience, Not Your Degree

God is much more invested in our heart than he is in our abilities. Sometimes we might think, how could God use me? We forget that we rely on God and not on ourselves. The Lord says that if we trust him with all our heart and submit to him he will make our paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


Marisa was reminded of this when she was in her second year of training at a missionary institute. One day a friend mentioned there was an organization called Reflejo that wanted to know more about her calling. She was excited to tell them about where God had called her to go but that same year the school closed down and Marisa didn’t know where else to go from there. She asked God what His plan was for her now. How could she join a missionary organization without any certification?


It was at that moment that she received a call from Reflejo, without knowing what would happen she told them the truth. The school closed down and they didn’t want to give her any form of certification for the past two years she spent there. In the midst of her frustration and sadness she heard God’s voice tell her; “It doesn’t matter how many certificates you have. I care about the passion and the desire you have in your heart. Remember my plans are not your plans.”


Reflejo told her that they believed God was still working in her life and they wanted to hear from her again so she continued to move forward in exploring missions. That same year her church believed she wasn’t ready to relocate overseas yet so they sent her to serve at a local village in a jungle without electricity or water. She stayed there a couple of months and waited anxiously to receive another call from Reflejo. When the day came she told her story and waited for discernment. While praying she said If they don’t accept me Lord I’ll understand but I am willing to go wherever you send me.” 


After a couple of minutes she heard the team tell her “Congratulations you’ve been accepted!” The joy was too much for Marisa and her eyes swelled up with tears of happiness. That was in 2020. In 2023 after 3 difficult but rewarding years Marisa has learned English, received training and is currently working with Tajiks in a growing Reflejo team.


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LATE: The Origin Story


Power of Prayer in Afghanistan