Cindy’s Story

Cindy embarked on the missionary field in 1979. At that time, her agency lacked a comprehensive care department or a mentor who could assist or guide her. There were not many means of communication, and even having a monthly call with her family was considered a luxury. After serving in the field for 23 years, she returned to complete her master's degree in psychology. A few years later, she retired to care for her husband, and when he passed away, she asked God to open a door for her to return to mission service in the counseling area.

In 2022, Cindy was invited to participate in a missionary retreat organized by Reflejo, where they were seeking a facilitator. Cindy was excited and seized the opportunity to go and meet all the people who were part of the leadership team. During this retreat, she felt that she had found a family with a shared passion for missions, and she rejoiced. Shortly thereafter, she was invited to join Reflejo to establish the member care department. At that moment, she understood that God had opened that door for her.

When Cindy served in the field, her initial purpose was to win souls for Christ, but in the end, she realized that throughout that time, the Lord had been primarily seeking her heart. It is essential to serve the Lord because He will use you, but His main focus will always be to search your heart so that you continue growing in Him. Therefore, Cindy understands that the priority in the area of member care is to nurture the heart of the worker before, during, and after their time in the field.

Cindy's focus is not on the fruits of the work, but on the fruits of the Spirit in the life of the worker, ensuring they live a fulfilling life. She aims to be a friend and mentor who understands both God's promises and purposes and the challenges faced in the field. Nowadays, with advanced communication methods, Cindy can provide what she did not have at her time. Even if the workers are on the other side of the world, she wants them to know that they are always present in her thoughts, heart, and prayers. She can offer them the tools and necessary support, both spiritually and professionally (as a psychologist) by walking alongside them in their daily lives and encouraging them in the work they are doing.


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