Vida Plena - Member Care


Being a missionary in a restricted-access country means taking on a challenging call to the field. Cultural, linguistic, spiritual, emotional, and more challenges will have to be navigated by missionaries and teams eager to bring the gospel to the unreached. That's why having people in your organization who have lived through these experiences before, who know how to accompany you on your ministry journey, can make the difference between overwhelming you and leaving the field, or learning how to navigate difficulties and having a lasting and fruitful ministry.

The Vida Plena (Life Abundant) team at Reflejo focuses precisely on that. We have members and volunteers who have both field experience and a professional background as psychologists, coaches, spiritual directors, and more. This team proactively seeks to develop opportunities and resources to better equip missionaries in addressing different challenges and being more resilient in the field, taking care of each other. They are also ready to respond to different situations that workers may face, providing emotional, spiritual, and psychological counseling for workers and their families.


If you have member care experience and would like to be considered to be involved with the Vida Plena team providing an area of care or coaching to Latin missionaries in Spanish/Portuguese, let us know here.


Vida Plena has the following giving opportunities::

  1. Onboarding Assessments
    During the screening and onboarding process of new missionary candidates, Vida Plena provides personality and strengths evaluations as well as a wellness assessment to set them up for success on the field. This year, Vida Plena expects to do 30 assessments which have a cost of $165 each. Project Need - $4,950

  2. Golden Rule Initiative
    Our Vida Plena team lives by one simple principle: care for our staff like we would like to be cared for. The Golden Rule initiative allows the Vida Plena team to meet practical needs during difficult transitions, hardships, and even celebrate the occasional holiday or milestone. Project Need - $500 monthly support

To donate, click here and select the designation MEMBER CARE.

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