Erica Discovers Pashtuns

Pashtuns are the largest unreached ethnic group in the world, located mostly in Central Asia. There are over 65 million Pashtuns around the world, and only 0.0001% of them know Jesus.


RAP (which is Spanish for Pashtun Adoption Network) is a ministry of Reflejo, developed to inform and equip the Latin American church to make the gospel accessible to all Pashtuns. RAP helps churches take the role of “adopting” Pashtuns because when you adopt a child you never forget about them. We want people everywhere to know about the spiritual need they have.


During the pandemic, Erica heard about Pashtuns and started looking up as much information as she could. Erica loves photography, and every time she read something new or saw a photo, her heart felt deeply connected to them. She started getting involved as a volunteer at RAP and prayed to God saying:

God, if this love for the Pashtuns comes from you,
I would like to meet and get to know a Pashtun in person and not just by photos.


That same year, her daughter called for her to come visit before her baby was born. She contacted RAP and told them she would by flying to Atlanta, so RAP set up an opportunity for her to meet Pashtuns there.


As she was visiting them, she had the chance to babysit their children while the mothers had English classes. During this time, she looked into the eyes of these small Pashtun children with eyeliner and tiny traditional clothes, and she knew God was calling her to them.

She then went back to her country and was called to be part of a youth conference representing RAP and mobilizing the youth to pray and learn about Pashtuns. She knew that after everything she had learned, she was now being called to share her passion and love for reaching these people.


So she went and shared information about who they were, what their culture was like and how they could pray for them. More than 300 young adults in Latin America came from different countries around the world to hear about missions and in turn also discovered RAP. They were very moved by the information and photos because they didn’t know anything about them.


Erica was just like these young adults, she hadn’t ever heard of anyone speak about them. It was only by discovering and learning through RAP that she was later on able to teach others and be a part of transcultural missions. Like Erica, RAP has 120+ other volunteers with similar stories learning and sharing what they know about Pashtuns today throughout Latin America.


Will you join them? Click here to learn more.


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