10 Ways to Pray for the Unreached in 2024

Prayer is a powerful tool in reaching the unreached with the love and message of Jesus Christ. As we intercede on behalf of those who have yet to hear the gospel, we play a vital role in God's mission to bring salvation to every corner of the earth. Here are ten ways you can pray for unreached people groups today:

1. Pray for Open Hearts: Ask God to soften the hearts of unreached individuals and communities, that they may be receptive to the message of salvation.

2. Pray for Workers: Pray for more laborers to be sent into the harvest field, especially among unreached people groups where the need is greatest.

3. Pray for Indigenous Leaders: Lift up indigenous leaders within unreached communities, asking God to empower them to share the gospel effectively within their own cultural context.

4. Pray for Divine Appointments: Pray that God would orchestrate divine appointments between believers and unreached individuals, leading to opportunities for sharing the gospel.

5. Pray for Protection: Pray for the physical safety and spiritual protection of missionaries and local believers ministering in hostile or restricted areas.

6. Pray for Access to Resources: Ask God to provide access to resources such as Bibles, Christian literature, and media tools in languages spoken by unreached people groups.

7. Pray for Miracles: Pray for God to perform miracles and signs that confirm His power and authority, leading unreached people to faith in Jesus Christ.

8. Pray for Discipleship: Pray for the discipleship and spiritual growth of new believers among unreached people groups, that they may become mature followers of Christ.

9. Pray for Unity: Pray for unity among believers from different cultural backgrounds and denominations as they collaborate in reaching unreached people groups.

10. Pray for Awakening: Pray for a spiritual awakening to sweep across unreached regions, drawing multitudes to faith and transforming communities with the love of God.

As we commit to praying fervently for unreached people groups, we partner with God in His redemptive work and become instruments of His grace and love to those who have yet to know Him. Let us never underestimate the power of prayer in advancing the kingdom of God to the ends of the earth.


Erick’s Story


Sometimes Soccer is an Open Door