Equipping Missions Senders


When Reflejo started, its founders, David and Sarah Matthews, did not find many resources in Spanish to help them navigate the development of a new missionary agency. These tools would have been very helpful in the early stages of Reflejo's early stages. By the grace of God, Reflejo moved forward, and along the way, our team has learned many lessons.

We know that our experience is not unique, and God is calling many individuals, churches, and denominations across Latin America to form their own sending structures. That is why David wrote a book detailing every area of starting a mission agency that a leader must take into account. The book "Cómo Enviar 100 Misioneros" (How to Send 100 Missionaries) was published in Spanish in January 2024, and since then, David and the Reflejo team have created opportunities for leaders of emerging agencies in Latin America to learn from their experience and help each other.

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. And as Romans 10:15 tells us: "And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?" The Equipping Missions Senders project focuses on raising up and walking alongside of more senders so that workers abound and the harvest is gathered and brought to the feet of Christ.


If you want to find the book "Cómo Enviar 100 Misioneros," (available in Spanish only) click here.


  1. Donate a Copy of "Cómo Enviar 100 Misioneros"
    We offer this resource for free in Latin America. Your donations to this fund will help us cover costs to keep this resource available for Latin American leaders. Each $40 donation = 10 copies distributed.

  2. "Cómo Enviar 100 Misioneros" Translation
    We´ve received inquiries regarding translating this resource to English and Portuguese. Project Need - $3,500 per language

  3. Coaching and Development of New Resources
    Your contributions to this fund allow us to continue developing additional resources and provide coaching and consulting to emerging mission leaders in Latin America. Project Need - Monthly Support

To donate, click here and select the designation 100 MISSIONARIES.


Middle East


Online Missionary Training