Our Name

The name Reflejo (Reflection in Spanish) is a reminder for us of our calling and values on two levels.

            The nations are a REFLECTION of our past. When we enter a new context not yet transformed by the gospel, we can see a reflection of our own past before knowing Christ. In this, we are reminded of the perseverance, depth and grit of God’s love towards us. As walking testimonies of the fruit of the gospel transforming our own context, we can enter the darkest corners of the world in confidence that the same God that redeemed us will bring light to this place. Holding on to this truth, we can focus primarily on the Father and not circumstance to define direction and strategy.

Our call is that of REFLECTING Christ and fulfilling his mission. Christ came to earth to live among us because he considered doing the Father’s will a just cause to devote his entire life to. We reflect Christ when, as we listen to the Father, we understand his purposes and like Christ, follow him with abandon.


Our Values