Behind the Mask

Jessica met with several mothers at a school in Peru to share about Jesus. They started with a simple conversation about the value of women and what they meant to God.

This is the story of a mother who was carrying a lot of baggage behind her bright smile that only God could see.

During the first meeting, Belen came in and sat on one of the school chairs. When they asked her how everything was, she smiled and responded.

“I’m fine, everything at home is great. I really, have no reason to complain”

At the next meeting, they talked about how we can often feel frustrated when we tolerate things that cause us pain and when it was Belen’s turn to speak, she smiled and said.

“No, I don’t feel frustrated about anything. I have no reason to be, everything in my life is pretty good.”

In the third meeting, they talked about hidden sin and how confessing and forgiving can set us free. Several mothers came forward and shared things they felt like they had to hide, things that were hurting them and tying them down. When it was Belen's turn to share, she smiled and said.

“No, I don’t have anything to confess. I’m not hiding anything; my family is doing well and we live a truly happy life.”

Then, in the last meeting, Jessica brought a mask and demonstrated how we often wear masks or put on makeup to hide what we’re going through and avoid suffering. At that exact moment Belen’s smile disappeared, and when it was her turn to share, her expression changed.

“It’s very hard for me to admit this, but the times we’ve gotten together, I’ve been wearing a mask. The truth is, everything is not okay.”

Her voice broke, and with tears in her eyes, she continued sharing.

“Things aren’t okay at home, and I don’t want to keep pretending like they are. My husband cheated on me, I forgave him and he cheated on me again so I forgave him a second time but I won’t tolerate him cheating me a third time. My daughter is very rebellious and my husband has completely abandoned her in every way, and the truth is, everything is not okay. Nothing is okay...”

Her tears rolled down her cheeks and her heart felt lighter. All the women in the room felt moved and started crying with her. It was at this moment that Belen finally felt free of letting go what was behind her mask and decided to take the next steps to follow Christ.


Just like Belen there are many people that put on a happy face just to keep moving forward but inside they feel an immense amount of pain. Even though they try to hide it there is someone who always sees what’s behind their smile and is waiting for them to reveal their pain so he can embrace them, his name is Jesus Christ.


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